Drinking Water Supply

Drinking Water Supply

For private well owners

For inquires related to domestic well safety, please email domestic.wells@odhsoha.oregon.gov or contact Robert Smith, OHA's interim Healthy Waters Unit manager.

For public water providers

To report a drinking water emergency (wildfire, flooding, operational issues, etc.) during normal business hours (Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm), call Oregon Health Authority – Drinking Water Services (OHA-DWS) at 971-673-0405, or email info.drinkingwater@odhsoha.oregon.gov.

For after-hours emergencies (evenings, weekends & holidays) contact the on-call DWS manager at 503-704-1174.

For all water users

Funding Resources

Business Oregon: Business Oregon has funding resources to help communities address potable water challenges as a result of wildfire. Funding for technical assistance and construction is currently available.

  • Business Oregon, partnering with Oregon Health Authority, administers the Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund that provides funding for community public water systems. 
    • Note: Per OAR 333-061-0020, community public water system means it serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents of the area served by the system, or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents. A community water system may be privately or publicly owned.
  • The Water/Wastewater Financing Program provides funding for eligible municipalities for urgent potable water needs. 
  • The Small System Equipment Assistance Program funds small scale additions or replacement of equipment and instrumentation needed by small water systems serving fewer than 300 connections to ensure continued operation and protection of public health.
    • Note: The Small System Equipment Assistance program is on hold until August 2025.
  • For more information about funding, contact a Business Oregon Regional Development Officer.
Oregon Water Resources Department: For those looking at longer term water supply solutions (i.e., non-immediate replacement), the Oregon Water Resources Department has two funding opportunities that may be of interest.
  • Feasibility Study Grants reimburse up to 50 percent of the costs of studies to evaluate the feasibility of developing water conservation, reuse, and storage projects. This competitive funding opportunity helps individuals and communities investigate whether a project is worth pursuing.
  • Water Project Grants and Loans – This competitive funding opportunity covers up to 75 percent of implementation costs for projects that meet water supply needs and result in public economic, environmental, and social/cultural benefits. 
  • For more information about Water Resources Department funding, contact Kim Ogren
USDA Rural Development: USDA Rural Development provides financial assistance for rural communities whose water supplies have been impacted by natural disasters such as wildfires.

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